the parttakers at the memorial service has always been counted and the number is put in the annual report.
someone told me however that these days the parttakers is counted and divided in to an a-list and a b-list.
the ones who makes it to the a-list is the serious, mature and believable persons and these people makes the number of breade eaters and wine drinkers in the annual report.
the parttakers at the memorial service has always been counted and the number is put in the annual report.
someone told me however that these days the parttakers is counted and divided in to an a-list and a b-list.
the ones who makes it to the a-list is the serious, mature and believable persons and these people makes the number of breade eaters and wine drinkers in the annual report.
The parttakers at the memorial service has always been counted and the number is put in the annual report.
Someone told me however that these days the parttakers is counted and divided in to an A-list and a B-list. The ones who makes it to the A-list is the serious, mature and believable persons and these people makes the number of breade eaters and wine drinkers in the annual report. The B-list guys is the psyciatric/nutcase/bipolar (or whatever diagnosis) parttakers who is not beleived to be "real" apointed ones and therefore has nothig to do on this list.
Can anyone confirm this romuor?
do you find youself still calling it "the truth" even though you are an ex-jw?
for instance, in one posting i just read, the poster wrote "when i was in the truth..." .
not a big deal, perhaps, but really not such a good thing either as it's a habitual holdover from the program of mental conditioning we were subject to.
I use the term "watchtowerism" when I talk to friends still inside the org . Or when I'm writing I use "The truth(tm)"* vs "the truth" to make my point clear. Needless to say, I do not have many JW friends left.
* Can anyone teach me how to make the trademark symbol om the forum please??
one of my best friends lives in the same building as this single woman in the congregation i used to attend.
we'll call her "pam.
" this woman's father is an elder (he was on the committee that df'd me) and he lives in the building next to them.
Funny? Sure.
Pathetic? Yes. I guess Pam tried to boost her FS report that month.
Disturbing? Yes. The behavior of Angelica's boyfriend is. He lacks sense of humour and should keep in mind that Pam is a victim of a sick cult. Not evil.
do you think apostate info (books, sites, etc) slow growth or speed exit?
when i joined the religion, i didn't read apostate information at all.
once i left, i read a ton.
Yes indeed!
And the WT guys is scared to death by the "apostate lies on the Internet".
i just read a post that said the audience was not obediently clapping at the convention when the speakers made wild statements (presumably with the rising nazi voice).
did anyone else notice this.. will others look out for it at their dc and tell us?.
i'm not going.. bwaaaaahhhhhhh.
A priceless moment during the final Sunday talk at DC in Oslo 10-15 years ago.
if a dub needed your help as in a medical emergency or in getting employment/job contract or in getting your support in a dispute with someone on a non religious issue or in some other way such as in a car break down would you help them?
Sure. I'll gladly help a dub.
I dont divide people into dubs/non-dubs any more.
i just read a post that said the audience was not obediently clapping at the convention when the speakers made wild statements (presumably with the rising nazi voice).
did anyone else notice this.. will others look out for it at their dc and tell us?.
i'm not going.. bwaaaaahhhhhhh.
Still old fashoned clapping up here.
Even clapping after the closing prayer Sunday. How common is that?
i didn't, but i just saw a great program on pbs that was a "20 years later" follow-up on a documentary film from 1982 about dwarfs, that's what got me wonderin'.
Two JW midgets around here.
One is a talented singer and taxi-driver, famous for his karaoke-taxi. (Appeard on a TV-show just a few weeks ago.)
The other guy is a part time stand-up comedian.
we all are identified by our names here on jwd.
some use their real names, and others pick a moniker that is their nickname or perhaps a few words from a song they like.. why did you pick your name?.
for instance,.
My name is a funny twist on the name of the JW-organisation boss in my country for the last 35 years. His name is Thor Samuelsen.